Plugins Use
- Really Simple CSV Importer
- Duplicate Remover
FuneralNet Files
- csvs/DeathRecord.csv
- csvs/FRPPhoto.csv
- csvs/RegisterBook.csv
- picturefront runner siteID DeathRecordStub
Here’s how :
- Extract all file csvs.tar and picture.tar using 7zip
- Import all CSV using your phpmyadmin to the database where your wordpress setup
- Rename them according to the name of csv file
- Files need to upload
- DeathRecord.csv
- FRPPhoto.csv
- RegisterBook.csv
- Upload all images from DeathRecordStub folder to the images folder of your domain using filezilla
- Extract All the column needed for the post using the sql command below :
SELECT DeathRecord.DeathRecordId as reference_id, CONCAT(DeathRecord.GivenName, ' ', DeathRecord.MiddleName, ' ', DeathRecord.LastName) as post_title, DeathRecord.Obituary as post_content, DATE_FORMAT(DeathRecord.DateOfDeath,'%Y/%m/%d %H:%i:%S') as post_date, CONCAT('', (Select Id FROM FRPPhoto Where DeathRecordId = DeathRecord.DeathRecordId ), '/',(Select Name FROM FRPPhoto Where DeathRecordId = DeathRecord.DeathRecordId LIMIT 1 ), '.jpg') as post_thumbnail, CONCAT('Obituaries') as post_category, CONCAT('publish') as post_status, CONCAT('post') as post_type FROM `DeathRecord` LEFT JOIN FRPPhoto ON ( FRPPhoto.DeathRecordId = DeathRecord.DeathRecordId )
- Export the output the sql above as CSV
- Import the CSV using Really Simple CSV Importer
- Check for duplicate using Duplicate Remover
- Delete all duplicate
- Extract all condolences using the SQL below:
SELECT wp_posts.ID as comment_post_ID, RegisterBook.`FromName` as comment_author, RegisterBook.`FromEmail` as comment_author_email, RegisterBook.`Posted` as comment_date, RegisterBook.`Message` as comment_content FROM `wp_posts` LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id) LEFT JOIN RegisterBook ON (RegisterBook.`DeathRecordId`= wp_postmeta.meta_value) WHERE wp_postmeta.meta_key='reference_id'
- Export the output the sql above as CSV
- Using phpmyadmin import it to wp_comments table as CSV
- Post specific option
- comment_post_ID,comment_author,comment_author_email,comment_date,comment_content
- Post specific option